Letter to Editor

Letter to the Editor:
Mark another one for the Kidder City Council. City council is targeting business owners and individuals for visual nuisance. They have targeted a family owned business that has been around since 1983. Council has threatened others to take them to court if they don’t put up a privacy fence or get rid of items in their yard. They’ve even harassed a family that had a serious illness going on.
For starters, on the corner of TT Hwy and J Hwy is now DC’s Repair, owned by Dale Crabb. This was formerly Dale’s grandfather’s business, known then as AAA Welding. Taking after his grandfather, Bill, Dale will weld almost anything you like, work on farm equipment, lawn mowers, and general mechanic work. All you have to do is ask. He’s even been known to work on Amish buggies.
I have never heard a complaint of overcharging. I have witnessed Dale donate materials to area school kids for art projects. He and his grandfather both have made and donated monuments at the park and their time to the big city of Kidder. Dale is a volunteer on the KAW Fire Dept. and a trustee on the Kidder Township Board. Last summer he assisted in mowing other people’s yards so that the city council would leave them alone. One of which, the lady was harassed two days consecutively. Come on Council, give the lady some time to get it done! The council at one point gave Dale a vehicle exemption, but now refuses because they don’t like how his property looks.
Yes, Dale has things around the shop but he uses the metals or parts for things needed. Other items around the shop he holds onto until there is enough to take to scrap or a vendor comes to pick up. He also has added onto his building to store materials in and cleaned up around the property, per the city council’s numerous complaint notices. “Enough is enough,” he said. Now, they’ve taken him to court. So that is what is happening. He has tried to work with the council. The property looks better than when Dale inherited it, as evidenced by photos taken before Bill passed away. It was like this before the council members moved to Kidder, if they didn’t like it they shouldn’t have moved to Kidder. Kind of sounds to me like someone decided they don’t like Dale and is just trying to cause troubles.
There is a family in town whose home, let’s be honest, could use some work and repairs. They also have a few vehicles in their yard that they do work on and try to get running or may be a project vehicle. These people had to spend money to put up a privacy fence and let’s not forget the building permit. Then after it’s all done, council still complains because there was a small crack between slats. The only way a person could still see what was behind the fence, they would literally have to walk up to the fence and peek through. This person must be a “peeping Tom”! How comfortable does that make a person feel in their own home?
Another victim inherited some nostalgic vehicles from her father, parked in her yard. Council didn’t like how that looked so she ended up being forced to get rid of almost all of her father’s things. So much for holding on to memories.
Let’s talk about yet another victim of the council. The man of the house, a Kidder resident for at least 15 years, was sick with cancer when the family needed to put up another shed. Not knowing council has decided to start requiring and charging for building permits, they put up a shed. Council sends out code enforcement who fills the family in on the “laws” and informs them they had put the new shed too close to property lines and then tells them they may need to move the shed or tear it down. There is nothing on the other side of that property line. What is the point of harassing the sick and elderly?
A friend of mine decided to move his business in to Kidder about 5 years ago. Before moving, my friend called city hall. They informed the Clerk/Secretary of the type of business they own, that they will have several vehicles pretty much at all times, and they are going to be putting up a privacy fence to put the vehicles in. At this time the purpose of this is to find out if they need a business license or any building permits. They are told “No, we welcome a new business to town.” After moving in they started building a privacy fence. During this project the code enforcement officer shows up saying they need a building permit to put up the fence and they will also need an exemption for the vehicles. Why were my friends told they didn’t need any of this if they did?
Are people on the city council board misusing this position of “power”? Is the council now changing the rules to suit their own financial purposes or is it just personal agendas for some members of the council? Just how much have they spent on changing codes? Why do they keep picking on people, most all who have been in this town longer than they have? People move to Kidder to be left alone and make a living.
Some final questions, “Should the council regulate and rule Dale Crabb at DC’s Repair out of business, who profits from such action? Does it profit our community to have another business go out?” It certainly looks like to me that there may be some bias on part of one council member in particular. Maybe he should excuse himself from further decision making, votes and ordinance decisions regarding businesses like DC’s Repair?
I do have to say one to two members truly seem to be on the council to actually represent Kidder and not for themselves.
If members of the Kidder City Council are willing to treat a helpful, successful, 20 year business owner this way, what else are they willing to do to you? Are YOU next?
Larry Baldwin