Letters to the Editor

The article “Wind farms generating revenue”, printed in the February 4th edition of the St. Joseph News Press,  paints a pretty tax income picture. But, there is both a credit and a debit column in accounting. In the debit column we need to consider the amount of taxpayer dollars being spent to...
Dryer found off Log Creek Bridge
I have the benefit of living in a rural area in a beautiful part of the country off Log Creek Road outside of Kingston. One of my many pleasures, besides sitting on my front porch, admiring the view and listening to nature, is to take a walk south down the road, over the bridge and up the hill...
Fellow Americans, North Korea began pursuing a nuclear weapons program after the Korean War in 1953. The atomic bombs we dropped on Japan to end WWII apparently got North Korea’s attention. Their nuclear program started out very slowly, but thanks to the Soviet Union it quickly expanded. The Soviet...
Letter to the Editor: If the health insurance bill currently before the U.S. Senate passes, cuts in Medicaid could cause rural hospitals all over the country to close. One adverse result of this I have heard neither Democrats nor Republicans mention. Closure of these hospitals would result in...
Rules? Ordinances! We don’t need no stinking rules and ordinances. Wrong! I am getting a little tired of all the bellyaching from a vocal minority here in kidder. We do have to remain aware of the possibility of a council person using their position improperly, but the fact is that the rules apply...
There’s a fight going on within the confines of Kidder, Missouri. This same fight goes on in countless bergs and towns across the nation. A loose definition of what this local government is calling, “ordinances.” They are basically designed to regulate how a person can live or operate in this case...
I found it rather interesting this week when I made my almost daily trip from Kingston to Hamilton that the Medthodist church parking lot was filled to the brim and over flowing on Tuesday May 23.  I thought at first that it must be a huge wedding or funeral, and when I stopped two women on the...
Over my lifetime, I have seen many changes in society, schools, and churches. In our society today anything goes, there is less caring for others and more “do your own thing.” Schools are very modern, very equipped to give higher education but lack the ability to prepare the students totally for...
Dear Editor,   Computers are good tools when in the right hands, but when hackers get into your system, it not only can destroy your computer, but also your life. On Monday, April 3, 2017, I awoke to a very angry message from who is now my former pastor. She told me I was done with the church, just...
Letter to the Editor:   Mark another one for the Kidder City Council. City council is targeting business owners and individuals for visual nuisance. They have targeted a family owned business that has been around since 1983. Council has threatened others to take them to court if they don’t put up a...


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