Letters to the Editor

Fellow Americans, In my article, Another Poke in the Eye, I criticized President Obama for his appeasement of the tyrannical dictators of Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China. Obama talked tough but never acted. Sadly, the world knew it. Consider the following: ·  Obama did nothing to stop Russia...
At the Kidder Aldermen Board Meeting on 13 April 2017 the City Alderman reached a NEW LEVEL of INCOMPETENCE. After MONTHS of complaining and demanding that something be done about her truck driving neighbor, Alderwoman Chris Bratcher got exactly what she wanted by banning all semi tractors and...
Representative Jim Neely standing up to protect our rights
I want to share how impressed I am with Rep. Jim Neely, who took a stand last Wednesday to support a group of farmers and landowners who gathered in Jefferson City for a lobby day to oppose Eminent Domain abuse. About 40 of us went to the Capitol to support Rep. Nate Walker’s HB 640 and HB 795,...
Fellow Americans, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, is an unaffordable debacle. Former President Barack Obama promised us, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” and “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” He also...
Thursday, March 9th, as I sat in the Kidder Alderman Meeting, I was once again SHOCKED at just how stupid the feud is the city is having with the City Water Board. When Richard Evans, casually told Wastewater Manager Melvin McFee that we need two more waste water cutoffs put in for non-payment of...
REAL ID is not a good choice for Missouri
In 2009 the Missouri General Assembly correctly represented the sentiment of the people when they took a principled stand to protect our personal information – that's when they passed the law that forbids the state from participating in the federal REAL ID program. They knew that the REAL ID card...
While reading the report of the Board of Aldermen meeting I found it disturbing information about how the City of Kidder is run. First there is the issue with the non-existing 4th street, where it is clear on the maps that the street may or may not have gone all the way through to Highway TT, it...
Fellow Americans, Over the past two years, the Chinese military has been increasing its presence in the South China Sea by building artificial islands in international waters near the Philippines. With these islands, the Chinese military can position aircraft and naval vessels to threaten...
Thank you for printing the Gift Guide supplement. We were traveling thru your area and picked up a copy. We liked the poems and recipes, and stories, even tips on carving a turkey. Thanks again. Phil and Lucy Koster, Sandstone, MN
Fellow Americans, Do you have favorites? Is it okay to prefer one thing over another? Of course it is. But what about our government? Should our government show favoritism toward any person or group of people? No, it shouldn’t because to do so would be in direct violation of the Declaration of...


The Caldwell County News

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