Braymer C4 Board Minutes

The Braymer C4 School District held its regular monthly meeting on November 9, 2015, in Room 316 of the High School. President Larry Shoe and Board Secretary Vickie Davidson were present. Board members also present included Charles Bills, Jenny Bonham, Rachel Hunt, Kristi Moore and Mindy Tuck. Also present was Superintendent Don Regan.
Larry Shoe called the regular board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Rachel Hunt made a motion to approve the agenda. Larry Shoe seconded the motion and a vote of 7 was taken.
Mindy Tuck made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Jenny Bonham seconded the motion and a vote of 7 was taken.
Under New Business, the Board reviewed administrative reports. The reports required no board actions.
Mr. Regan reviewed the District’s MSIP 5 Annual Performance Report. Overall the District received 98.2% of the total points possible.
The Board discussed audit bids for 2016, 2017 and 2018. Vickie Davidson made a motion to accept the bid from Westbrook & Company. Jenny Bonham seconded the motion and a vote of 7-0 was taken.
The Board was informed that the filing period for the April 5 election will run from December 15, 2015 until January 19, 2016. The terms of Kristi Moore and Larry Shoe will be expiring.
Charles Bills made a motion to provide faculty and staff with a $50 gift certificate that can be used locally. Kristie Moore seconded the motion and a vote of 7 was taken.
Charles Bills made a motion to set the next meeting for December 14, 2015. Larry Shoe seconded the motion and a vote of 7 was taken.
There was no closed session.
Rachel Hunt made a motion to set a closed session for the December meeting. Mindy Tuck seconded the motion and a vote of 7 was taken.
At 8:02 p.m., Vickie Davidson made a motion to adjourn. Larry Shoe seconded the motion and a vote of 7 was taken.
Larry Shoe, President
Vickie Davidson, Secretary