Braymer Council discusses condemning properties

The July meeting of the Braymer City Council was held with three council members present, Connie Keller was absent. Employees present were Tanya Mallory, Greg Prothero and Brandon Kehl.
Under old business, the council discussed condeming properties and what to do. The city attorney suggested using Chapter 41 before condemning. The city would also like to put liens on the properties that the city mows. A letter will be sent to a property owner requesting their presence at court for the property which has animals running in and out.
Under new business, Clerk Mallory informed the council that the citizens in town could call the Cameron Shopper at 816-632-6543 to have the shopper stopped from being thrown in their drive.
The council discussed buying water at the water plant. The council voted to keep the water plant locked at all times and only allow employees in the plant.
Greg Prothero of the water department informed the council that the pump that was overhauled had locked up. This pump was repaired on May 15, 2013. Prothero called Layne Christenson and they are to send someone to look at it. If it was a part from the previous repair, they will repair it, if it is something new it will be the city's responsibility. The council voted to have Christenson look at it.
The council asked Prothero if he could clean out some ditches with the tractor. Prothero said they could try but didn't know how good it would work.
Braymer Police Chief Kehl informed the council that he has been working on hiring someone to help in the police department. The council discussed several items that they would like for him to be working on.
Code Enforcer Andrew Pratt let the council know who he had sent letters to. He has sent out 14 letters. Some have complied with the letters, others will be getting tickets or summoned to court. There is a junk yard at the edge of town that the council wants him to work on getting cleaned up.
Mayor Rogers asked the council on behalf of Pat Goll if the Outreach Center could put a no parking sign on the east side of the building. The council will look into this request.
The next meeting of the Braymer City Council will be Aug. 11 at 5 p.m. along with a closed session meeting.