Breckenridge News by Sondra Gaunt

President Terri Adams called the meeting to order at the regular Breckenridge BOE meeting held July 14. A quorum was present.
Monica Allred was present as the only applicant for the board position made vacant by the resignation of Brett Pratt. Mrs. Allred was approved by the board for appointment. President Adams administered the oath of office to her. She will serve until the next April General Election.
The FY 2015 budget was discussed by the board. Mr. Skinner informed the board that the district accumulated a modest surplus this year. He attributed this to careful spending, slightly less personnel, and lower than expected LP gas usage. Both he and the board were well please with this result.
The board also discussed the FY 2016 budget. During this discussion, Mr. Skinner proposed allowing certified personnel to move on the salary schedule, a 1.6% raise for non-certified personnel, and a 1.6% raise for the superintendent. The board approved this proposal. They also approved their own proposal to increase the cap on employee health insurance by $25.00 per employee per month. This sets the cap at $330.00 per month. Both of these were approved with the understanding that final budgetary details would support the proposals. A continuing resolution was passed to keep spending at the FY 2015 levels until the final approval of the FY 2016 budget would be passed in August.
The board approved the elementary, extra-curricular, high school and staff handbooks for the new school year. The board set the annual tax rate hearing for August 10, 2015 at 6:00 PM with the BOE meeting to follow.
The Breckenridge R- I School District held its annual Tax Rate Hearing on August 10, 2015 at 6:00 PM in the FACS room. Vice President Larry Gray called this hearing to order in the absence of Mrs. Terri Adams,
President. Mr. Skinner led a discussion on how the rate is figured, what factors go into the process, and the State Auditor’s Office’s role in the tax rate process. He pointed out that the Hancock Amendment determines much of this process. Mr. Skinner explained that when the total assessed valuation for the district goes up, then the tax rate ceiling goes down.
The total assessed valuation for the district increased to $6,656,630.00. This increase caused the tax rate ceiling to decrease to $4.5428 per $100.00 of assessed valuation. Mr. Skinner recommended that the tax rate be set at $4.5428 per $100.00 of assessed valuation. There was no public comment and the hearing was adjourned.
The next board of education meeting met August 10, 2015.
The agenda and consent agendas were approved with Vice President Larry Gray presiding for the meeting due to Terri Adams’ absence.
The following items were discussed and or approved:
· The financial report was discussed.
· The FY 2016 Operating Budget was approved.
· A resolution was passed to waive a voluntary levy rollback.
· The board set the operating levy at $4.5428 per $100.00 of assessed valuation for operation.
· The bus route was approved for the year.
· The superintendent was appointed as the authorized representative for the district.
· The Open House and Staff Dinner will be on August 17, 2015.
· New members of the board had question and answer time with the group.
· The group toured the facilities.
The board adjourned. The next meeting will be September 14, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.