Breckenridge News by Sondra Gaunt

The CLAA Choral Clinic was held Wednesday evening at Breckenridge School with six of the CLAA Conference Schools participating. Ms. Terri Henry, who is in her 11th year as Vocal Music Instructor at Braymer C-4, served as Guest Clinician. She was introduced by Superintendent Brent Skinner.
The evening program included: Sing Jubilate Deo, Fill the Night With Singing, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, I Hope You Dance, I Heard it Through the Grapevine and Don't Get Around Much Anymore.
Participating students were Shannon Binham, Lily Pryor, Anna Autry and Dakota Jarvis from Norborne; Chloe Bowman, Abby Burton, Tristin Anderson, Noah Bowman, Riley Gorham, Mallary Davidson, Lacey Logsdon, Jillian Miller, Constance Smith, Brent Klein, Logan Klein, Shawn Pearon and Zachary Pearon from Hardin-Central; Lanie Frost, Rachel Holt, Makhenna Murphy, Lindsey Todd, Jaclyn Hines, Morgan Brockmeier, Kennadie Crowe, Charity Murrell, Haley Rucker, Sam Rounkles, Owen Bell, Tucker Brown, Christian Chinchole, Maximus Herring, Conner Jenkins, Cameron Mathews and Balazs Sturgeon from Tina-Avalon; Jaden Linebaugh, Haylee Fay, Terri Stanfield, Kylee Fay, Tisha Skidmore, Michael Adams, Johnathan Schantz and Kenny Stanfield from Northwestern; Hannah Walker, Allie Berger, Adrianna Alverson, Alex Richards, Jaylyn Broyles, Janie Foster, Mercedeze Norris, Cheyenne Thompson, Hannah Ackllin, Haddy Heussner, Caysie Creason, Desi Campos, Emily Miller, Shelby Copple and Konner Gilson from Hale; Kylee Allred, Megan Sayers, Jayde Keithley, Hunter Woodcock and Jadyn Lews from Breckenridge.
Sam Gaddy, the new music instructor at Breckenridge R-I, thanked all of the participants for their hard work and everyone in attendance for coming to the evening concert. Mrs. Marcia Wilson, who retired after 12 years of being our local music instructor, was welcomed. It was so good to see her out and about and a pleasant end to a good evening.
It has been a very busy week around town! The Junior High girls had four basketball games, two at home and two away. A boat was stolen from a yard earlier in the week. A number of emergency vehicles were called to a home on West Broadway, where a stove incident caused an individual to be treated for burns. The First Baptist Church has begun practice for the Christmas program. Mark your calendar for that Christmas program and
candlelight service, which will be held Dec. 20. Those really high winds knocked down some limbs and blew a bay window out of one home. We were beginning to expect power outages but that didn't materialize and I didn't hear of any people or small dogs being blown away. So far, so good.
Several local people were in attendance at the visitation and funeral of Roger Goll, so we heard tales of the Co-op in the olden days for a few days.