Enjoying Missouri's trails

In the midst of a summer heatwave it is often hard to even think of going outdoors and getting some exercise. But that is just what many of us need to do. Being active helps a person maintain or achieve good health. An added bonus to heading outdoors is being able to soak up some of the beautiful sights and sounds around you.
There is no disputing that Missouri is a beautiful state, from our metropolitan areas to the rural rolling farm fields. Many counties in this state have their own unique trails which account for Missouri being honored, on a national level, as the “Best Trails State” in April 2013 by American Trails. This distinction lead to the creation of a physical activity challenge to encourage each of us not to only become more active but also explore our states expansive trails system. In the 21st Senatorial District we are blessed to be located near the 237 mile Katy Trail of which 75 miles is managed by Knob Noster State Park. In the future a 47 mile stretch of the Rock Island Trail will stretch from Pleasant Hill to Windsor. Most of which is located in southern Johnson County. (In future columns), we will devote more time to the trail systems located in this area.
One of the ways to promote the health benefits of outdoor physical activity is the 100 Missouri Miles Program. Being active has many benefits including helping boost metabolism, improving a person’s mood and outlook and allows you to also explore new areas and sights. This program encourages Missourians to log 100 Missouri miles of outdoor activity whether it be rollerblading, hiking, biking, swimming or canoeing. It is a great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, improve your health and – best of all – have fun with family and friends.
In the first year of the 100 Missouri Miles program, Missourians logged over 1.1 million miles in 2013, and nearly doubled that in 2014 by recording 2.1 million miles. A person can walk at a leisurely pace and complete a mile within 20 minutes. Swimming a mile is also estimated to take about 20 minutes, as well as kayaking under calm conditions with 3 mile per hour water flow. Studies suggest that 20 minutes of regular exercise is enough to still have a positive impact on your health.
A Cambridge University study stated lack of exercise is responsible for twice as many deaths as obesity. Those who rarely, if ever exercise face increased danger from deadly cardiovascular problems like heart attacks and stroke as well as some cancers. However, a 20-minute walk at a vigorous pace, or riding a bike, would move a person from being classified as inactive to moderately inactive. Making that small change alone will reduce your risk of premature death by 16 to 30 percent. It is never too late to become more active.
I encourage you to dedicate at least 20 minutes a day to being more active. Play with your children in the yard, take a hike along an area trail, ride your bike around the neighborhood or go swimming. The possibilities are endless and every little bit helps ensure you are healthier and able to enjoy more moments with your family and friends.
As always, please feel free to contact me or my staff with any questions or concerns at any time. We look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions and trying to answer any questions you may have. You can reach us by phone at 866-277-0882 (toll-free) or (573) 751-2272, or by fax at (573) 526-7381.
Senator David Pearce serves Caldwell, Carroll, Howard, Johnson, Lafayette, Livingston, Ray and Saline counties in the 21st State Senatorial District.