Interstate 35 ramp closures postponed

The southbound ramp closures planned this week as part of a resurfacing project on Interstate 35 have been postponed. The Missouri Department of Transportation contracted with Ideker, Inc. to resurface I-35 between the Clinton/Clay County line and just north of Route 116.
The southbound ramp closures at Route PP and the Lathrop rest area will be closed as needed and opened back up when possible on the days noted below during daylight hours. While the ramps are closed, motorists will need to use an alternate route.
• Friday, May 1 through Sunday, May 3: I-35 southbound on and off ramps at the Lathrop rest area
• Saturday, May 2 through Monday, May 4: I-35 southbound on and off ramps at Route PP
The contractor plans to have multiple crews and work zones set up within the project limits, both directions of I-35, through the middle of July. Crews could be on-site seven days a week and may work both daytime and nighttime hours.
One lane of I-35 in each direction is expected to remain open throughout the project. Due to the nature of some of the work, some lane closures may remain up around-the-clock. A 12-foot width restriction will be in place for the duration of the project.
All work is weather-permitting and schedules are subject to change. Motorists are urged to stay alert and pay attention to all roadway signing and barricades and to eliminate distractions. Crews will be working close to traffic. Please remember that all work zones are NO PHONE zones. Buckle up. Phone down. Arrive Alive.
For more information about these and other MoDOT projects, visit and view the online Traveler Information Map. Also at, sign up online for work zone updates. Information is also available 24/7 at 888-ASK-MODOT (275-6636) or via social media.