JC Penney Days was huge success

You couldn't ask for a nicer weekend to have the town's JC Penney Days celebration. A large crowd attended the various events including a 5K run, baby show, quilt show, wagon rides, petting zoo, just to name a few.
Winners of the Smash Cancer 5K Superhero Run
Top Three Winners
1st Michael Maloney
2nd Jessica Green
3rd Nora Ford
Male Categories:
Age 13-18: 1st Jared Robison; 2nd Jaxon Umbaugh
Age 19-30: 1st Michael Maloney, 2nd Caleb Gilgour
Age 31-40: 1st Jeremy Burke
Age 41-50: 1st Jerry Maloney; 2nd Bill Youtsey; 3rd Orrin Knight
Age 51-60: 1st Vance Hefley
61+: Dave Connor
Female Categories:
Age 13-18: 1st Nora Ford; 2nd Hannah Graham; 3rd Lexi Potts
Age 19-30: 1st Jessica Gilgour; 2nd Jessica Burge; 3rd Jami Williams
Age 31-40: 1st Jessica Green; 2nd Heather Miller; 3rd Heather Maddux
Age 41-50: 1st Sandi Gaunce; 2nd Amy Kanoy; 3rd Wendy Edwards
Age 51-60: 1st Lori Brown; 2nd Julie Hill; 3rd Sue Shirk
Best Individual Costume winner was Lori Brown.
Best Superhero Team was won by Orrin Knight, Tisha Hibler, Bill Youtsey and Dennis Lund.
First place winners of the baby contest were Maxten Reeder, Ember Gilgour,Granville Miller, Justyce Moore, Rhett Hibler, Harper Stuedle and Sally-Cate Williams.
Winner of the JC Penney Look Alike Contest was Sam Williams, son of Jami and Tyrel Williams of Hamilton.
Results of the Quilt Contest will be in next week's paper.
Check out the gallery of JC Penney pictures below!