Kidder invests in pH meter to meet DNR requirements

The Kidder City Council met Tuesday for their regularly scheduled board of aldermen meeting. When the minutes of last month’s meeting were read, there was some controversy about what was said and not said by Dale Crabb. The board made a motion to hold off on approving the minutes until at such a time that a tape recording could be listened to in order to verify the information. Code Enforcement Officer, Christy Eden-Browder, was given the task of listening to the tape to clarify what was said. Alderman Grooms abstained from the vote reasoning that he didn’t think the conversation belonged in the minutes. Eden Browder said the Missouri State Statues say you can only abstain from a vote if you have a personal connection to what is being voted on, at which time Grooms reluctantly changed his vote to “yes.”

The board approved a building extension for Dale Crabb.

It was agreed by the board to schedule a special meeting to cover the placement of manufactured or mobile homes within the city. Eden Browder said it would be nice to have a specific ordinance in place so she would know what to tell people when they asked about them. The board agreed to schedule a meeting the middle of October and limit it to 90 minutes.

Christy Eden Browder gave her report centering on the subject of dogs running loose in the city. She said she has been boarding a dog for ten days now and the owner refuses to pay the boarding cost and pick up the dog. 

For more on this story see this week's edition of the Caldwell County News!

The Caldwell County News

101 W. Bird 
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Hamilton, MO 64644
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