Kidder rethinks ordinance on mobile homes

The City of Kidder met for their monthly meeting on Aug. 18. All members were present with the exception of Alderman Streu.

Under unfinished business, the subject of street signs was discussed. The board agreed they needed to get a list of all signs in town and determine which ones they wanted to replace.

The subject of mobile homes was addressed. Christy stated that the board had amended the ordinance on the placement of single wide trailers and mobile homes and replaced it with one that allowed placement using the manufacturer’s recommendation for a permanent foundation. This subject was discussed in great detail. Clerk Evans said the council needed to address the mobile home issue in regard to the placement of a foundation. Evans said he thought it was ambiguous as it was now stated, “You’re opening yourself up for a big can of worms. It either needs to be on a permanent foundation or it doesn’t, forget manufacturer’s recommendations, because it’s going to be different on every one of them. Have a set rule just like we had in your old ordinances and be done with it.” Eden-Browder said the Department of Housing has a guideline for setting mobile homes. She offered to print the guidelines for the council to review.

A burning tree on the city’s right-of-way was approved to be removed from a resident’s property. The resident’s neighbor removed the tree and said he would not bill the city for payment. It was suggested by council to reimburse him for the cost of removing a tree. Clerk Evans suggested that the city pay him by giving him credit on his sewer bill that way a service is being provided for the exchange of a service. The council passed a motion to allow credit on the utility bill.

Alderman Garton asked if there had been a decision made on who would be responsible for upkeep on the city’s right-of-ways. Christy Eden-Browder said that it was previously decided that the city would take care of the property up to the middle of the ditch. Garton said he thought they should change it back to the way it was before, where the city would take care of their own property and not leaving it up to the landowners.

Both issues on the city’s right-of-ways and mobile homes were put on the agenda for the next council meeting.

Alderman Garton asked about the construction of a building that was attached to the resident’s fence. Eden-Brower said the building was attached to the fence only for the purpose of measuring across. She said it was being built on skids and will be moved when finished.

Melvin McFee gave a brief water report. He said he had the aerator working at the lagoon. He said everything has been running good, the pumps are working great and it has helped drainage at the old school even after the rains we have had. Garton asked why they dropped the water break down so low on the lagoon. Melvin said it should help with testing, this way they will not have to discharge in December. DNR is requesting the city to produce a lot more information, some as far back as 2008, and more paperwork is being required for wastewater.

Eden-Browder said she was trying to work with the county to get a map with legal property descriptions along with owner’s names on it so it would be easier to identify who was responsible for what property. She added that Dale Crabb is asking for an extension on his building permit. She suggested they extend it to the end of September, which is the same time his clean-up plan expires. The board made a motion to grant the additional time.

A question was asked about a property that needed to be cleaned up. The resident left for Canada and the clean-up was not finished. Eden-Browder suggested to the city that an administrative warrant could be obtained. The city could clean up the property and add the cost to the resident’s tax bill. A cell phone number was given by an attendee at the meeting, and it was suggested that a call be made to the resident. Until that time the board agreed to table the discussion until further information was obtained.

The board made a motion to change Christy Eden-Browder’s employment status from an “employee” to an “independent contractor.”

The board passed a motion to issue a business vehicle exception license for Ray Garton.

Bill #07-24-2015 was passed authorizing the code enforcement officer the ability to approve and issue building permits.

Garton said that a lot of ditch work had been done and the city was accumulating piles of rock and dirt. It was suggested that the dirt be offered to city patrons who could use it. Alderwoman Bratcher commented a lot of mowing had been done in town.

A citizen made a comment about children carelessly riding their bikes on Front Street and that some kid could get hurt or killed. It was agreed by council, but there was nothing they could do about the situation.

Dave McEwen asked about prior discussions on the possibility of closing a road or the upkeep of that road. Garton answered by stating that the property owner had planned to repair and gravel the road himself.

The Caldwell County News

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