Kingston recalculates water/sewer rates

The City of Kingston met Thursday for their monthly board of alderman meeting. All aldermen were present along with David Bethel and Debby Fleming. Mayor Chester Stone was absent.
Alderman Fleming said the shelter house is now complete with the exception of paying the electrician’s bill which was approximately $2,643. They were still expecting some money to come in for donations but were not sure how much that would be. The council discussed making a contribution for the difference.
Council discussed putting out bids for propane and for the city’s 1,000 gal. propane tank.
Alderman Prothero had been approached by a former employee about some hours he claimed he had not been paid for. Prothero said it had been an agreement with former mayor, Joe Kipp. The council said they could do nothing about the situation as this employee owed approximately $250 in unpaid water bills.
The city discussed a washout on Broadway which David Bethel said he was working on. It was mentioned that since FEMA had declared Caldwell County a disaster area, the city might be able to get some government funding. Bethel said he had attended the FEMA meeting and turned in seven stretches of road. FEMA collected all his files and would get back with him on this. After the last big rain, Bethel said he took pictures and figured expenses for rock, labor and equipment, which came to $12,000. Last time FEMA paid 75%.
Everyone had paid their delinquent water bills with the exception of one.
Two worn tires on the truck had to be replaced that had been damaged by rock.
Bethel said that he had miscalculated the water rates at the last meeting. According to Stan Wolfe of the USDA, Kingston’s average user was at 39,000 gal. Rates were recalculated according to the new average. Water/sewer bills will go up about $10 per month for the average user, and the courthouse and school would only have one minimum charge. Alderman Campbell stated that water rates had not gone up since 2012 and sewer rates since 2009.
David Bethel discussed with the council about insurance on replacement cost of the tower suggested by Stan Wolfe of the USDA. Bethel said he talked to Kevin Stonum on setting up a monthly premium of $1,000.
A problem occurred at the lift station from during the last 5-1/2” rainfall, and one of the pumps had to be sent out to be repaired.