Lack of lifeguard applicants may mean Hamilton Pool doesn’t open

Hamilton Board of Alderman spent time at the regular monthly board meeting discussing the lack of applicants for the lifeguard and manager positions at the Hamilton swimming pool. To date, the city has received only a handful of applications for the position of lifeguard and no applications for the manager position.
In order to be able to cover the open hours, pool parties and swim lessons the pool usually employs 17-20 lifeguards each season. To date only nine people have applied for positions.
“We can’t safely open the pool without an adequate number of lifeguards and more importantly without a pool manager,” stated City Administrator Jean Van Iperen. The city will be taking applications until May 1, at which time the board will make a decision regarding their next steps.
If anyone is interested in being a lifeguard, applications are available at City Hall located at 200 S. Davis, or they can be requested by emailing The starting pay for lifeguards is $10.30 an hour and the pool manager pay is $15.00 to $17.00, depending on experience. The city is willing to consider co-managers for the pool. The city will also be reimbursing the cost of certification if the applicant is successful in completing the necessary training.