Polo R-VII sets tax rate

The Polo school board members met Aug. 17 for their regular monthly meeting.

The tax rate hearing was held and the tax rate was set at 4.6071, the exact same rate as the year before. Regular meeting was called to order with a light agenda of regular school business, payment of bills, and approving July minutes.

New staff members were introduced to the board. These included: Tiffany Craig - elementary, Cody Morse - vocal music, Amy Walker - counselor, and Jacob Erdman - social studies.

The board approved the DESE Special Education Model Compliance Plan. The board had the first reading and review of the 2015B MSBA policy updates.

Coach Johnson reviewed the fall athletic teams and numbers out for sports. The board approved the purchase of a school mini-van, not to exceed $4,000, to be used for the purpose of supervision, professional development meetings instead of paying mileage, and shuttle for athletic events.

The board approved Natalie Young as Senior Sponsor.

The Caldwell County News

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