Kendall Morgan driving the Farmall with Bob Blades riding shotgun on the power binder pulling out large weeds among the oats being fed along the belt.Randy Smith, Brent Henry, John Blades and Larry Atkinson stacking bundles of oats.Mark Morgan, Darrin Lund, Bob Blades and Randy Smith checking out the binder.Larry Atkinson, Bob Blades and Kendall Morgan ready to go with Darren Lund looking on in the background.Kendall Morgan driving the Farmall.Bob Blades watching the oats feed along the belt.Moving right along with Rusty Baker in the background stacking.

Preparation underway for NW Missouri Gas & Steam Engine Show

Long before the Missouri Gas & Steam Engine show is scheduled to begin, preparations are already underway. On a field owned by Walker’s, members of the Gas & Steam Engine Association have gathered to bind oats using an antique McCormick Deering binder. After an hour of hookups and adjustments, the old machine was ready to go. Tall weeds seemed to be a major deterrent in the machine’s ability to cut and feed the oats through the belt. Men walking behind the machine were ready to stack bundles of oats the machine tied and spit out the side. The bundles would later be hauled by wagon to the steam engine grounds to be threshed during the show in August. Those who came to enjoy in the fun were Rusty Baker, Mark Morgan, Larry Atkinson, Brent Henry, Randy Smith, Darrin Lund, Bob Blades, John Blades, Kendall Morgan and Bennett Carter.

The Caldwell County News

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