Results Of "Trooper On A Train" Operation--Troop H

Captain James E. McDonald, commanding officer Troop H, St. Joseph, announces the results of a "Trooper On A Train" operation conducted in Buchanan County. The operation was conducted from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Wednesday, November 4, 2015. This was a joint operation with the St. Joseph Police Department and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Police. One officer from each department, the Missouri State Highway Patrol, St Joseph Police Department and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Police, rode the train while ground cars from each of those departments were stationed at rail crossings in the train's path. The goal of the operation was to detect vehicles failing to stop at railroad crossings when the crossing signals were activated. As a result of this operation eight citations were issued for vehicles failing to stop at a rail crossing when activated.
Captain McDonald says, “Railroad crossings pose a significant danger when motorists choose not obey the signals at those crossings. Motorists need to remember when they see railroad tracks they need to think train.”
Approximately 63 percent of Missouri fatal crash victims who are required to be restrained are NOT at the time of the traffic crash. The Patrol urges motorists to protect themselves and their passengers by making sure everyone in the vehicle is properly restrained in a seat belt or child restraint. Join us in supporting the Drive To Zero Highway Deaths. Watercraft operators should ensure that everyone in the vessel is wearing an approved life jacket. Click It 4 Life And Wear It!!