Senator Denny Hoskins Capitol Report

Connecting with Employers

Unemployed workers can get help returning to work through a series of online job fairs coordinated by the Missouri Office of Workforce Development. Between now and Dec. 15, the office will host weekly “Return Strong” Virtual Job Fairs to connect idled workers with companies looking to fill positions. Participants will be able to meet with potential employers, receive tips on resume writing and develop job interview skills.

The virtual job fairs will be held each Tuesday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Four of the virtual events are targeted toward specific industries: health care, manufacturing, agriculture and information technology. To attend any of the job fairs, participants must pre-register and create an online profile. An internet connection and a computer, tablet or mobile device with a video screen are required. For more information, visit Employers wishing to recruit applicants can find information at the same site. Once registered, job seekers can search listings of available employment opportunities statewide.


On that same webpage, you’ll find a link to a free online education program called Coursera. Missouri job seekers have access to more than 3,800 online classes taught by top instructors from the nation’s top universities and leading corporations. Students will work at their own pace and can earn university-accredited certifications in various fields. To learn more, complete the Return Strong registration survey online and select Coursera training from the “I’m interested in” pull-down menu. Someone from Coursera will contact you within a couple of days with more details. Participants have until Oct. 31 to sign up, and courses must be completed before the end of the year.


Swisher Branded Products of Warrensburg has been invited to participate in the fourth annual Made in America Product Showcase at the White House. The event, scheduled for Oct. 5, in Washington, D.C., celebrates American manufacturers and the products they make. Swisher plans to showcase its outdoor power equipment, ESP brand safe rooms and storm shelters and agricultural products, among other items made right here in west-central Missouri.

Congratulations to Swisher, a significant employer and vital member of our community since the company’s founding in 1945. We’re proud of Swisher and appreciate the contributions this company makes to our region.


If you’re not already registered to vote in the Nov. 3 election, there may still be time. The deadline for voter registration is Oct. 7. You can sign up at your county clerk’s office, any state government agency or online at The secretary of state’s website is a one-stop source of information about the upcoming election. You can find your polling place, look at a sample ballot and learn about alternatives to in-person voting. Missourians who serve in the military, either here at home or overseas, will want to register at the Missouri Military and Overseas Voting Access Portal to learn about options for casting your ballot.

Absentee voting has long been available to Missouri residents who are not able to cast a ballot on Election Day. In the past, you could vote absentee either by mail or in-person at your county clerk’s office if you met one of six specific criteria – absence from the voting jurisdiction on Election Day or incapacitation due to illness being typical excuses. This year, you may also cast an absentee ballot if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or are at high risk for contracting the disease. You may qualify for an absentee ballot if you are over the age of 65, live in a licensed long-term care facility or can claim one of several medical conditions that increase the risk of COVID-19.

In response to COVID-19, legislation passed this year also allows any Missouri voter to cast a ballot by mail. Applications for either an absentee or mail-in ballot are available at your county clerk’s office or online through the secretary of state’s website. An application to receive either ballot by mail must be received by your county clerk prior to 5 p.m., Oct. 21. Absentee ballots can be delivered in person or mailed. Mail-in ballots may only be mailed. You can vote absentee in-person through Nov. 2. Mailed ballots must be RECEIVED before the polls close on Nov. 3. Absentee ballots requested due to medical incapacitation or COVID-19 concerns do not need to be notarized. All mail-in ballots, and absentee ballots requested for any non-medical excuse, must be notarized.

As always, I appreciate hearing your comments, opinions and concerns. Please feel free to contact me in Jefferson City at (573) 751-4302. You may also email me at

The Caldwell County News

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