Warning: Take down your yard sale signs

In a meeting held by the Board of Aldermen of Hamilton Wednesday night, once again those having yard sales will be faced with another restriction. Ordinance 1584 was passed by the board amending Chapter 65 of the city code relating to yard sales by adding a new section on signage. Mayor Gilliam said he had been approached by people in town who are tired of the signs not being taken down and are requesting that the city do away with the signs except for those on your own property. Cowherd said the ordinance as he had written it up offers two options, 1) the signs can be on a premise only, and 2) people can only post them one day before the sale and they have to be taken down no more than two days after. Cowherd said that some cities require no signs on city property at all.
For more on this story, see this week's edition of the Caldwell County News!