
The Caldwell County commissioners met with the fire chiefs and various firemen and emergency personnel at the Hamilton fire station in Hamilton last Tuesday evening. There were approximately 25 emergency responders and firemen present from seven different fire departments in the area. The meeting...
EAA AVIATION CENTER, OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN. The Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. proudly announces that Brett Shaffer, Chillicothe, MO; Kyle Elliott, Hamilton, MO; Tony Garcia, Trenton, MO and Mason Taylor, Maysville, MO  have  been selected and sponsored by EAA Chapter 944 to attend the 2016...
The City of Kingston met for their monthly meeting on Thursday, Jan. 7th. Members of the council, Jerry Prothero, Karle Kresse, Ron Fleming and Brad Campbell were present along with Mayor Chester Stone, City Clerk Debbie Fleming and Water & Sewer Superintendent David Bethel. In old business,...
Saturday, January 16, two performances of the Missoula Children’s Theatre production of the musical “Little Red Riding Hood” will be presented at 3:00 p.m., and 5:30 p.m. at the Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center, 2800 Hornet Drive in Chillicothe. More than 60 local and area students have been...
Greetings Friends!  This week I made the trip back to Jefferson City to begin my forth year representing you, the good folks of District 8. Again, I want to Thank You for allowing me this great opportunity. I consider it an honor and privilege to do so. Remember your thoughts on issues are...
U.S. Senator Roy Blunt’s staff will host a Mobile Office on Tuesday, January 19 from 10:30am-11:30am at the Caldwell County Courthouse. Mobile Offices are opportunities for Missourians to discuss their questions or concerns with the federal government one-on-one with members of Senator Blunt’s...
JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri Department of Transportation Director Patrick K. McKenna is scheduled to testify before the Senate Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee on Weds., Jan. 13. The committee will meet at 8:15 a.m. in Senate Committee Hearing Room 1 at the Capitol. McKenna...
High school seniors whose parent or legal guardians are telephone, Internet, or video customers of Green Hills Companies have the opportunity to win a $2,500 scholarship. This scholarship is sponsored by Green Hills Companies and the Foundation for Rural Service (FRS). FRS will fund $2,000 of the...
JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder today issued the following statement regarding the federal Department of Homeland Security’s threat to end Missouri’s exemption from federal Real ID requirements on Jan. 10.  After that date, Homeland Security has said Missourians would not...
Polo National Honor Society is hosting its first Relay For Life event on April 16, 2016. The theme is “Paint Your World Purple” and Monday, December 14th was the kick-off day for spirit week to bring cancer awareness to students. Between now and April 16th, the school will be holding fundraiser...


The Caldwell County News

101 W. Bird 
P.O. Box 218
Hamilton, MO 64644
Phone 660-973-3098 (Call or text) 

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