The Criminals Are the Problem
Fellow Americans,
Thanks to the biased media and modern-day socialists, police departments across the country are under attack, figuratively and literally. Some far left radicals want to see police departments completely dismantled. Others, including Congress and President Trump, see a need for police “reform.” They believe police officers need less training in physical tactics and more training in psychology. That way when a dangerous person threatens someone, the police could defuse the situation without having to use physical force, regardless how violent the suspect is! This kind of thinking is not only wrong, but very dangerous. Every police department should continue to strive for excellence and work to identify and terminate the “bad cops” in their ranks. In my opinion, if there needs to be reform, let’s focus on the criminals first!
Our training and learning as children starts at home. Sadly, too many homes are broken and involve substance abuse. These kids are immediately disadvantaged. Now add inner city violence, poverty, and a failing school system and you have a recipe for disaster. These conditions create prime breeding grounds for gangs and criminal activity. These young criminals grow up into the adult offenders we see today. Notice I haven’t said a word about race. That’s because race is irrelevant. Criminals come in all shapes and sizes. Here are my suggestions to reduce the crime rate nationwide so people of all races will benefit:
· Address the causes of poverty and rework the welfare system. A strong economy is a must.
· Fix the education failures in the inner cities. Private schools and school choice are a good start.
· Strictly enforce drug laws and don’t legalize drugs. This includes tight security at our borders.
· Stiffen prison sentences for all criminals, not just the “dangerous” ones.
· Build more prisons and adequately staff them. Reduce the inmates’ comfort level and increase their work load. Prison should be a place people want to avoid!
I don’t have all the answers, but I believe this is a good start in the right direction. Unfortunately, these suggestions aren’t popular in today’s society, where criminals seem to have more rights than their victims! All we can do is stand for what is right and defend the truth. Please pray for our leaders, our president, and healing for our country. May God bless you and the United States of America!
Dan Landi
Kidder, MO