Missouri Farm Bureau President Garrett Hawkins made the following statement regarding the Missouri legislature's failure to pass legislation curbing Eminent Domain abuse:

“We are disappointed that the legislature has again failed to reform eminent domain laws. Proponents of merchant transmission lines have made it clear they expect Grain Belt Express to be just the first of many.

“We cannot allow the use of eminent domain for private gain to continue.  Out-of-state companies that do not answer to Missourians are abusing our system and taking advantage of landowners.

“In short, this is a moneymaking venture, not a public service – and it’s wrong to force people to sell their land for a private project that doesn’t really benefit Missourians. Yet the Senate chose not to stop it.

“Senator Jason Bean and Representative Mike Haffner have worked tirelessly to champion this cause. Now that the 2021 session has ended, we will work with them to re-evaluate the situation and determine the best path forward.”

The Caldwell County News

101 W. Bird 
P.O. Box 218
Hamilton, MO 64644
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