Our Decisions Matter

Fellow Americans,

Lately there has been a lot of talk about “white privilege.”  To some people that term refers to the preferential treatment of white people over black people by our government.  To others it refers to income inequality between races or classes of people.  Either way, I believe this “white privilege” theory is a lot of bunk designed to cause division in our society and to keep people convinced they can’t get ahead. 

According to our Constitution, our government is supposed to treat everyone the same.  It is supposed to ensure that we are all afforded equal opportunity, not equal outcomes!  Although we are all God’s people, each one of us is different from the others.  We all have different intellect, ambition, abilities, and so on.  The one thing we have in common is that we can choose to be whatever we want to be in America.  If the government insists on helping us, then it should get out of our way by lowering taxes and burdensome regulations while we attain our goals and pursue our happiness! 

Our Constitution also provides for freedom of movement, meaning we can choose to live anywhere we want.  I realize this is more difficult for some people due to poverty, a lack of education, or a deficiency in their upbringing.  The political leaders in these communities should encourage charter or private schools and strictly enforce criminal laws.  Parents and civic leaders should lead by example by promoting self-reliance and individual responsibility.  Sadly, some promote the opposite.  For example, consider the vile, racist rhetoric of “Reverend” Louis Farrakhan, the self-proclaimed leader of The Nation of Islam.  Go to YouTube and watch any of his videos and you’ll see what I mean.  While you’re there check out other such “leaders”, like the “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright and the “Reverend” Al Sharpton.  If you were brought up listening to them, you would probably believe their rubbish too!       

My point is simple: every able-bodied person is responsible for themselves.  We must take charge of our own lives and become self-reliant.  The decisions we make in life matter.  Examine the lives of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. Ben Carson, and Herman Cain.  These men were born into poverty, but through hard work and determination, they all became exceptional examples of success!  May God bless you and the United States of America!

Dan Landi

Kidder, MO

The Caldwell County News

101 W. Bird 
P.O. Box 218
Hamilton, MO 64644
Phone 816-973-3098 (Call or text)


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