We Will Get What We Deserve

Fellow Americans,

This is my last article before Election Day 2020, and one last opportunity for me to try to convince anyone undecided to vote Donald Trump for president.  In this article, I hope to persuade those voters simply by contrasting the differences between the two candidates regarding the issues.

·       Abortion:  Biden favors killing unborn babies.  Trump does not. 

·       Immigration:  Biden favors open borders and amnesty for illegals.  Trump does not.

·       Jobs:  Biden plans to spend billions of tax dollars for “shovel-ready” jobs.  Trump plans to decrease regulations and taxes to spur private enterprise and job growth.

·       Military:  Biden wants to diminish our military.  Trump does not.

·       Health Care:  Biden wants government-run healthcare with no private competition.  Trump does not.

·       Climate Change:  Biden supports the “Green New Deal” which will greatly infringe on our liberty. Trump does not.  

·       Energy:  Biden wants to do away with fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal) and replace them with solar and wind energy.  Trump does not.

·       Law Enforcement:  Biden condones the violence caused by Antifa and Black Lives Matter and does not support the police.  Trump denounces the violence and defends police officers.   

·       Wuhan Virus (Covid-19):  Biden supports another lockdown and mandatory mask-wearing.  Trump does not.

·       Corruption:  Biden has and will continue to conceal the corruption by high-ranking members of government, to include himself, Barack Hussein Obama, and Hillary Clinton.  Trump has and will continue to expose their criminality.

·       Education:  Biden wants the government to control our children’s education.  Trump wants the parents to be in charge and to be able to choose which schools their children attend.     

·       Constitution:  Biden wants to restrict our rights guaranteed by the Constitution.  Trump wants to defend them.

·       Religion:  Biden wants to place restrictions on religion.  Trump does not.

·       Government:  Biden favors socialism.  Trump favors Capitalism.

This is not a complete list, but by now you get the picture.  If you don’t believe me, just go to YouTube and see for yourself.  Watch the Democrat primary debates and see how pitifully the candidates tried to “out-left” each other!

Yes, I agree that Donald Trump is rough around the edges, and that he sometimes shoots his mouth off.  But I don’t doubt his patriotism and loyalty to the country, capitalism, and the Constitution!  In the end, we will get what we deserve.  May God bless you and the United States of America!

Dan Landi

Kidder, MO

The Caldwell County News

101 W. Bird 
P.O. Box 218
Hamilton, MO 64644
Phone 660-973-3098 (Call or text)


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