Fellow Americans,
On December 20, 2019, President Trump signed a 2,313-page omnibus spending bill into law while most Americans were focused on Christmas! The bill cost taxpayers $1.4 trillion and was rushed through to avoid a government shutdown. Here is some of what we know about this new law,...
Fellow Americans,
New York is going down the toilet. Thanks to the insane (Democrat) government there, the new year brings new abuses to its law-abiding citizenry. Effective January1, 2020, New York will implement criminal justice reform laws, which will effectively be a “catch-and-release”...
Fellow Americans,
Ever since President Trump was duly elected, there has been a coordinated effort to remove him from office. The Democrats, the media, academia, and even some Republicans have colluded to oust him because they don’t want him to “drain the swamp” and expose their corruption. But...
Fellow Americans,
Imagine you are accused of a crime you didn't commit. Following your arrest, you will be booked into jail and scheduled to appear in court to face the charges. As a defendant, you are entitled to confront your accuser and to see what evidence exists against you. You are allowed...
Fellow Americans,
Turn on any TV channel or tune in to any radio station and you will be immediately bombarded by anti-Trump propaganda accusing him of everything from treason to jaywalking. The mainstream media hates President Trump so much it will continue to smear him until he is ousted from...
Fellow Americans,
In the August 27th edition of the Caldwell County News, I read an interesting letter to the editor by Roger McPheeters of Braymer. He was critical of my letter to the editor, On The Attack, in which I affirmed my support for the 2nd Amendment. In my letter I argued that after...
Fellow Americans,
Our elected representatives are abusing American taxpayers by their out of control spending. The politicians, with their own desires for wealth and power, are happy to play in Washington D.C. with our money (tax dollars). To support their spending addiction, politicians eagerly...
Fellow Americans,
As you know by now, there were two recent mass shootings in our country. The first one occurred on August 3,, 2019, inside a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas. The suspect fired on unarmed shoppers, killing 20 and wounding as many. When the police responded, the suspect...
Fellow Americans,
Of all the stories in the news lately, one has been completely overlooked. It’s the elephant in the room that is seen but ignored because it is uncomfortable to acknowledge. The elephant I’m referring to is our national debt. According to www.usdebtclock.org, our national debt...
Fellow Americans,
July 4, 2019, was an outstanding day in America! President Donald Trump honored our military and our founders during the Independence Day celebration in Washington D.C. As our president hosted the public event to celebrate America, the greatest country on earth, the mainstream...