Breckenridge School News by Sondra Gaunt

The Breckenridge R-I School District held its November meeting the ninth at 7:15 (after the basketball game). President Terri Adams called the meeting to order in the FACS room. The agenda and consent agenda were approved.
Mr. Skinner informed the board that the district is about in the same place it was at the same time last year as far as revenues and expenditures. The district has received some current tax revenue from both Caldwell County and Daviess County.
The board discussed the draft of the latest financial audit. Final approval will be given in December. A brief discussion was held on the balance letter. The carryover balance was 29.60%. The previous balance was 25.35%. The superintendent and the board were pleased at the increase. The board discussed repairs to the buses and decided to delay getting rid of the International for the time being. The board reviewed the many activities that the district has held in the last few weeks. 
The recent Titanic Night got rave reviews from the board, parents and the community. The board voted to use the State Special Education Model Compliance Plan. Mr. Skinner informed the board that the LP inspection found no issues. He told them that the school had conducted numerous emergency drills over the past few weeks. All had been announced drills and had gone well. He discussed some minor maintenance issues with the board.
The board adjourned and set the December meeting date for December 21 at 6:00 p.m.

The Caldwell County News

101 W. Bird 
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Hamilton, MO 64644
Phone 660-973-3098 (Call or text) 

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