New York School News
October 13– BOE meeting 7:00
October 13– 7th-8th grade field trip
October 16– Early Out 1:15 (Pro. Development)
October 22– Early Out 1:15 (Parent/Teacher Conferences)
October 23– NO SCHOOL
October 29– Hayride/weenie roast 6:00
October 30– Halloween Party 2:30P.A.W.S.
Positive Actions=Wonderful Students
“PAW”sitive students are students that have been caught doing something positive in the building for others without being asked. This week we “caught’”: Caleb, Jade (2x), Mikayla (2x)
The P.A.W.S. coupon drawn from the Principal’s box today was: Jade
Karen Young, New York R-IV Secretary