Letter to the Editor

I feel the need to address some of the fallacies put forth by Mr. Landi in the April 7th edition.  Concerning the current outbreak, he insists we call it a virus, not a plague.  I don’t know that many people are calling it a plague, but the first definition of that word is, “a disastrous evil or influx.”  Next it mentions “a destructive, contagious bacterial disease.”  Any way you look at this Coronavirus, it is evil and destructive. 

However, the preferred term seems to be pandemic, which is simply, “a wide-spread outbreak of disease.”  That is what we are all dealing with: a Covid-19 pandemic.  Our nation’s and the world’s reaction are not panic or hype: it is necessary.  Yes, our churches and restaurants and schools are closed, which is a hardship for all of us.  But if we didn’t take these measures, this virus would spread faster than any flu recorded in history.  Just look at New York city and state.  Here in Caldwell county, we cannot fathom those numbers of cases and deaths.  But if not tested for and treated, it spreads like wildfire, attacking the respiratory system immediately.  You can be symptom free one day and dead within four days once it hits you.

Our President insisted that the “Chinese” virus was a hoax put out by Liberals and the media; he denied its seriousness for months.  As far back as November, the U.S. Medical Intelligence Agency warned of this pandemic.  And his own trade advisor, Mr. Novarro, warned Trump of the virus back in early January.  By January 22, President Trump told us all that “everything was totally under control.”  He continued to make fun of virus reports at numerous rallies throughout February, still referring to it as a hoax.

Now his latest diversion is to plug the drug Hydroxy Chloniquine, which is primarily used for malaria and lupus.  Trump’s own advisor on his task force, Dr. Fauci (an expert on infectious diseases), keeps insisting that it has not been proven to be effective for Covid-19, as of yet.  It would be wonderful to hear that this drug is the miracle we’ve been looking for, but for Trump to push it on us by saying, “What have you got to lose?” is misleading.  There are several dangerous side-effects for certain people.

And in closing, let me strongly disagree that our government wants to separate us from God.  That is absurd.  Our country has always proudly encouraged the freedom of religion of all sorts and to separate the church from state in all matters.  Just because we’re closing mass gatherings for Easter week, it doesn’t mean you can’t pray at home or on-line or in a parking lot service. God hears our prayers no matter where we are, and the government can’t touch that!

Stay safe and try to stay sane!

M.D. Graham


The Caldwell County News

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