
NCAA swim champion Allison Weber and her parents, Mike and Tammy Weber, were introduced in the Missouri Senate chamber.
Fighting the Fight This week one of the most anticipated bills of the 2021 legislative session came up for debate in the Senate chamber. The initial discussion on Senate Bill 39, the Second Amendment Preservation Act, went as might be expected. Proponents of the bill (which I am proudly one of)...
The Hamilton City Council meeting held Wednesday drew in a rather large gathering of people. Complaints were heard mostly about the conditions of the streets in town.
The City of Hamilton held their city council meeting on April 21st.  Those present were Aldermen Danny Alexander, Keith Gilbert, and Cameron Fast. Newly elected alderman, Robert Singer attended the meeting via Zoom. Also present were Mayor Kristopher Bruce, City Administrator Jean Van Iperen, City...
The dome of the Capitol and the exterior of the Governor's Mansion shined purple on Thursday, April 15, in honor of military children. Senator Hoskins requested the lighting recognition on behalf of Whiteman Air Force Base Child and Youth Education Services.
Focusing on the Budget  There is only one thing the Missouri Constitution requires of the State Legislature: We must pass a balanced budget. As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, I’ve been involved in that process throughout the legislative session as we’ve heard budget requests from...
AccuWeather Global Weather Center – April 28, 2021 – Summer weather will waste no time arriving in the United States this year, and while some are counting down the days until they spend some time in the sun on a warm beach, others may be hoping that some of the more dangerous weather elements do...
Warmer weather encourages people to be more active outdoors. In the coming weeks, more and more bicycles will be sharing the road with motorists. May is Bicycle Safety Month, and the Missouri State Highway Patrol encourages motorists and bicyclists to stay alert and be courteous. Preliminary...
Hamilton Board of Alderman spent time at the regular monthly board meeting discussing the lack of applicants for the lifeguard and manager positions at the Hamilton swimming pool. To date, the city has received only a handful of applications for the position of lifeguard and no applications for the...
Photo by Cindy Fickess, Hamilton
About 3-1/2". This is a typical view of our early morning snow on Tuesday.
The City of Hamilton will be taking letters of interest from residents interested in filling the open position on the Planning and Zoning Board.  The citizen members for the Board serve without compensation and the term of this position is four years.  Letters need to be submitted to City Hall...
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo – Last week, many of you may have read an article claiming that I publicly came out to support Georgia’s election reforms at an MRTA event. I spoke only about education issues at that particular event, and made no mention whatsoever about election reforms in Missouri. I have made...
Dear Friends and Supporters,  Please click on the above video link to watch my speech on the steps of the Missouri Capitol as I received the “Statesman for Life” award this week. It was a great honor to be recognized for my efforts in the Pro-life movement in Missouri. This video also highlights a...


The Caldwell County News

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