
Fellow Americans, January 20, 2021 marks one year since Joe Biden was inaugurated as president.  Although I did not vote for him, I wish I could report that he was doing a fine job for America.  Sadly, that is not the case.  The economy is in shambles.  Inflation today is comparable to the...
The Outdoor Journal Kyle Carroll kyle.l.carroll@gmail.com   Down To The Wire   There were 36 days of some sort of firearms deer hunting available to deer hunters during the 2021-2022 deer hunting seasons. We are down to the last few of them this week. The Muzzleloader deer season, ( officially...
The Outdoor Journal Kyle L. Carroll kyle.l.carroll@gmail.com HAND WARMERS The subject of staying warm on the deer stand came up recently on a program I was listening to when some hunters from Florida asked about how to deal with the much harsher weather in Illinois where they were headed to hunt...
  THE OUTDOOR JOURNAL Kyle Carroll kyle.l.carroll@gmail.com   EAGLE DAYS   Missouri's over wintering population of Bald Eagles is a big one. With each cold front, flocks of white fronts, snows, blues and Canada geese wing their way south. The eagles come along with them.  Most all of the buzzards...
  The Outdoor Journal Kyle Carroll kyle.l.carroll@gmail.com   AIR GUNS “A fine forming wind from the S. E  at about 11 oclock the wind Shifted, to the N. W.  we prepare all things ready to Speak to the Indians......................... after the Council was Over we Shot the air guns  which...
  The Outdoor Journal Kyle Carroll kyle.l.carroll@gmail.com The End of October   October has gone past us again. One of the best months of the year seems to always fly by. With its passing, two seasons came to a close. The Fall Firearms Turkey season ended on the 31st and once again, numbers...
  The Outdoor Journal Kyle Carroll kyle.l.carroll@gmail.com   A Missouri Bear Hunt It was just light enough to see the muzzle of my riffle. Coyotes howled from first one ridge, then another, echoing down through wooded hollows for a mile. I poured 70 grains of powder down the barrel of my gun and...
OUTDOOR JOURNAL Kyle Carroll   Blue Jays   Blue jays are pretty hard to miss. I'm speaking figuratively of course. They are big, loud and brightly colored. They are a flashy, intelligent bird that lives in our part of the country year round. This common, large songbird is familiar to many people,...
The Outdoor Journal Kyle Carroll kyle.l.carroll@gmail.com   Archery Deer Numbers – The First 25 Days The first 25 days of the archery deer and turkey season have been abnormally warm and dry.  There were a few days when the season opened in September where the nights were cool, but on average , it'...
  The Outdoor Journal Kyle  Carroll Kyle.l.carroll@gmail.com   Archery Deer and Turkey Season   Missouri's archery deer and turkey season has opened on the 15th of September for enough years now that it almost feels normal. The season traditionally opened on the first of October, until the decision...


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