The Outdoor Journal
Kyle Carroll
That was the motto on the revolutionary war flag featuring a cartoon attributed to Benjamin Franklin. The famous image featured a woodcut showing a snake cut into to eighths, with each segment labeled with the initials of one...
The Outdoor Journal
Kyle Carroll
Oregon Bill Would Ban, Hunting Fishing and Animal Husbandry
Yes, you read that correctly. Extremists in Oregon are circulating a petition that would make hunting, fishing and most farm operations illegal in that state. Even for Oregon...
The Outdoor Journal
Kyle Carroll
Dragon Flies
As we move into mid August, Purple Martins have gathered in large flocks and Bluebirds and Robins are fattening up on the Grey Dogwood berries. Insect populations are peaking out as well. A half dozen large green dragonflies...
Last week we discussed Rattlesnakes and the Dog Days of late summer. The old saying was that snakes go blind in the “dog days.” A reader wrote me from the Polo area to say that he was told by his granddad, “my great-grandpa used to catch them, and he's been gone for 42 years. I know I was taught...
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Sam Graves (R-MO) released the following statement after voting against Speaker Pelosi’s nearly $700 billion omnibus spending spree.
“This massive omnibus spending bill doesn’t just waste billions of taxpayer dollars, it’s built on a framework that cuts national defense...
Late July and early August are sometimes called the “dog days” of summer. They are called that as Wikipedia notes, because “They were historically the period following the rising of the star system Sirius (known colloquially as the ‘Dog Star’), which Hellenistic astrology connected with heat,...
Often when I get back to the house from running or from a long bike ride, I'll toss my sweaty clothes over the deck rail so they can dry out before I put them in the dirty clothes. On a pretty regular basis I will come back to retrieve my sweaty duds to find several butterflies on the sweatiest...
Fellow Americans,
The liberty and freedom ordinary citizens enjoy today makes America the greatest country on earth. A tenet of that liberty is our criminal justice system, where every person accused of a crime is presumed innocent until his/her guilt is proven in a court of law. Without such a...