Fairfax, Va. – The Department of Justice now says a DoJ court document claiming to have recovered a “fully constructed U.S. Capitol Lego set” from the home of a man charged in the Jan. 6 Capitol breach was “a miscommunication,” and the Lego set was actually unconstructed and in a box.
Robert Morss...
Fellow Americans,
Another Independence Day has come and gone, with fireworks, barbecues, family, and friends. God has blessed our country abundantly and we should enjoy our blessings. But to enjoy them we must know them. To do that we must learn our history, specifically the history of our...
COLUMBIA, Mo. – If your basement sprung a leak during recent intense rainfalls, you’re not alone.
University of Missouri Extension state housing and environmental design specialist Michael Goldschmidt recommends inspecting basement walls and floors to locate cracks or breaks that can turn into...
If you have spent anytime outdoors in the evenings lately or maybe driven through a creek bottom after dark, you’ve been treated to a pretty spectacular light display. Lightning bugs or “fireflies” have been putting on a show, literally. They are really not “flies at all but one of...
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo – Legislative Session has ended, and it’s now time for Governor Mike Parson to pick up his pen and sign the bills that were sent to his desk by the General Assembly. One of those bills was House Bill 85, otherwise known as the Second Amendment Preservation Act. This bill is meant...
By Garrett Hawkins
As livestock producers, we strive to care for our animals and raise a wholesome product for our family, friends and neighbors. In return, we want a fair price for our livestock, which is increasingly difficult these days.
Last spring, the COVID-19 virus crippled the meat and...
Fellow Americans,
I found an excellent article that I want to share with you. The article, Sometimes a Coincidence isn’t a Coincidence, was written by John Green and posted at the American Thinker (www.americanthinker.com) on June 16, 2021.
In part, Mr. Green writes, “….. Dr. Fauci sponsored “...
This past week I noticed a few black snakes crossing the local gravel roads. When I had a friend mention the same phenomenon, I decided it was probably time to talk about black snakes in this column. The full name for the black snakes that we see here in northwest Missouri is Black Rat Snake or...
Committed to Agriculture
In the weeks following the adjournment of the General Assembly in May, I’ve had an opportunity to travel around the 21st Senatorial District, as well as other parts of the state. As I drive down lettered county highways and back-country roads I continuously see farmers hard...
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Sam Graves (MO-06) sent a clear message today that any attempt to revive the Obama-era WOTUS rule would be met with staunch resistance in Congress and from farmers and ranchers across America.
“The Obama-era WOTUS rule was a direct assault on farm families everywhere,”...