Fellow Americans,
America’s favorite health care expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has determined we must all do more to save the world from the cataclysmic Covid-19 virus. It’s the same virus that we were initially told came from bats in Wuhan, China. You know, it’s the virus with a 99% survival rate...
Fellow Americans,
As I reflected on our many blessings during this Christmas season, I couldn’t help but wonder where our liberty had gone. Like the liberty to live free from fear, for instance. For nearly a year, our federal and state governments have FORCED business and schools to close. They...
Fellow Americans,
Oh, where to begin! As I write my first article since Election Day 2020, America’s domestic enemies are cheating, backstabbing, lying, and colluding to steal a presidential election! Here’s the scheme. They used fear of the Wuhan virus to promote mail-in voting. Then they...
Fellow Americans,
This is my last article before Election Day 2020, and one last opportunity for me to try to convince anyone undecided to vote Donald Trump for president. In this article, I hope to persuade those voters simply by contrasting the differences between the two candidates regarding...
Anyone who turns on the TV is well aware there’s an election on Tuesday, Nov. 3. We’re inundated with ads and, by now, I’m sure most of us have made up our minds about the various races. There may still be some confusion about the constitutional questions on the ballot, though. Missouri voters will...
As daylight hours fall, the landscape changes from vibrant shades of green to infinite hues of yellow, orange and brown. Many of us don’t look forward to moving our clocks back an hour, wishing instead to enjoy the scenery and cool evenings for as long as possible.
Fall is a special time of year on...
Fellow Americans,
I read an interesting letter to the editor in the October 6, 2020 edition of The Caldwell County News. The letter was written by Dr. Ted Rights, in which he listed the reasons he is voting for Joe Biden for president. The following are his reasons and my opposing views...
Fellow Americans,
As we get closer to November 3, 2020, President Trump’s enemies are busy stacking the deck against him. On one hand, the mainstream media ignore the pro-Trump rallies that are occurring all across the country. These are peaceful rallies attended by patriotic Americans who...
Fellow Americans,
For over 100 days, the rioting, looting, burning, and murdering is still going strong in America, thanks to lies about racism propagated by the Democrats and their henchmen in the mainstream media! What’s most appalling to me is that politicians on both sides are using the riots...
Fellow Americans,
For over 100 days, the rioting, looting, burning, and murdering is still going strong in America, thanks to lies about racism propagated by the Democrats and their henchmen in the mainstream media! What’s most appalling to me is that politicians on both sides are using the riots...